
Showing posts with the label Runga-Kutta

Write a C program to numerical solution of ODE using Runge-Kutta method by MistarAV

 #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define f(x,y) (y*y-x*x)/(y*y+x*x) int main() { float x0, y0, xn, h, yn, k1, k2, k3, k4, k; int i, n; clrscr(); printf("Enter Initial Condition\n"); printf("x0 = "); scanf("%f", &x0); printf("y0 = "); scanf("%f", &y0); printf("Enter calculation point xn = "); scanf("%f", &xn); printf("Enter number of steps: "); scanf("%d", &n); /* Calculating step size (h) */ h = (xn-x0)/n; /* Runge Kutta Method */ printf("\nx0\ty0\tyn\n"); for(i=0; i < n; i++) { k1 = h * (f(x0, y0)); k2 = h * (f((x0+h/2), (y0+k1/2))); k3 = h * (f((x0+h/2), (y0+k2/2))); k4 = h * (f((x0+h), (y0+k3))); k = (k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)/6; yn = y0 + k; printf("%0.4f\t%0.4f\t%0.4f\n",x0,y0,yn); x0 = x0+h; y0 = yn; } /* Displaying result */ printf("\nValue of y at x = %0.2f is %0.3f",xn, yn); getch(); return 0; } Output Enter Initial Condition x0 = 0